Tuesday, November 16, 2010

2010: Bicentennial Year

The year 2009 were discussed and speculated endless projections, desires, ideas, campaign promises, etc. For the year 2010, where Chile met 200 years since independence, as traditional and formal history we are taught at the flagship institutions, and otherwise all or most Chileans have in your mind and some more patriotic than others in their hearts.

But this has really been a year of celebration as we expected really, full of hope for change and promising a bright future for the country?

The year 2010 began with an event not scheduled on any agenda or any political itinerary because we were all surprised at any moment, so was the earthquake of 27 February, leaving aside thousands of deaths, thousands of homeless, exposed the mismanagement of our country's inefficient and bad control of how to build Chile. Were made in light of worldwide economic gaps that exist, the kind of culture we have when faced with a tragedy, as they were looting, the use of situations to benefit both people and the media, politics and society in general.

But not everything was good the earthquake only a few weeks ago we were again at the epicenter of global news, showing again our administrative weaknesses, our inefficient policy that hurts, hurts and always fun to most of Chile's poorest. But once again the use of this benefit is engaged in political campaigns and to shock people instead of raising awareness and creating a critique of what we live day to day, and to generate a real change in the management of our lives.

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